Agile methodologies and specifically the Scrum framework (which is one of many frameworks under the umbrella of Agile) are increasingly becoming popular in the business world, but did you know that it can also be…
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Practicing Agile Techniques in Real Life – Studying for Exams
It is midterm season in my house for both of my daughters. Midterms span two weeks and cover all of their subjects. My oldest daughter, a junior in high school, after numerous years of midterm…
Shifting My Mindset from Scrum Master to Product Owner
I started out my 2022 year as the Scrum Master, like I have been since 2019, focused on making sure the team was happy, helped with impediments, and as my enneagram personality, always made sure…
Three Tips to Help Improve Your Team’s Happiness
hap·pi·ness /ˈhapēnəs/ noun the state of being happy. We all spend A LOT of time at work and with our colleagues. We often develop friendships with some of our colleagues that influence our personal…
Focusing On Things You Are Passionate About
Do you ever get overwhelmed by ALL the things you have going on? I adopted a philosophy about five years ago that I no longer wanted to use the word “busy” to describe myself…