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What does it mean when a nonprofit professional, team, or organization says that they are Agile?

To our team at Agile in Nonprofits, it means that they embrace the 4 Agile values that are articulated in the Agile Manifesto.

Agile Manifesto

Individuals and Interactions OVER Processes and Tools

Working Product OVER Comprehensive Documentation

Customer Collaboration OVER Contract Negotiation

Responding to Change OVER Following a Plan

While we don’t ignore or forget about the items on the right, if we say we are Agile, it means that we value items on the left more.

In valuing the items on the left more, our teams and organizations can develop better ways of working as a team and achieve what we KNOW is possible…creating twice the impact in half the time.

Read the full Agile Manifesto here.*
*The Agile Manifesto is an internationally accepted set of values and principles. While it originated in software development, we know and have proof of how these same values and principles work in nonprofit and charitable organizations.

Community of Practice

The Agile in Nonprofits community is growing! Which is wonderful, but that also means the community needs ways in which to connect and collaborate. A community of practice is, in essence, a group of people talking together about a shared goal. 

Our community of practice comes together in a few different ways, we have a Facebook group, office hours, and a book club. For the Facebook group, we have gathered a group of like minded people who are interested in growing in Agile. Our office hours are a place where once a month, anyone can meet with other Agilists including our Product Owner, Diane H. Leonard, STSI to share ideas and ask each other questions. Lastly, we have a quarterly book club meeting that discusses The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time by Jeff Sutherland and The Scrum Field Guide by J.J. Sutherland.

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Last Month For Early Bird Pricing

Become a Registered Scrum Master in Your Nonprofit!

With the help of your Scrum Trainer, who has years of experience not only in Scrum, but also decades of experience in the nonprofit field, you will complete the course with the ability to know how to implement the Scrum framework in your nonprofit organization. You will also understand how implementing the Scrum framework will accelerate the speed and value of any project or service in your nonprofit and enable you to create twice the impact in half the time.

Hurry while you can still save!
Pricing based on a sliding scale starting at $371.25